Hi champion, you just landed a new job, good for you! I bet you thought you passed the “I’m so anxious” phase and yet here you are, worrying about your first days at the office. What is it? Just new job nerves. It’s normal, but it’s important to learn how to calm your nerves if you want to learn as much as possible on your first day at the new job. Don’t rush to conclusions (and maybe leave after a couple of hours scared as hell) if you feel a bit uncomfortable, give yourself some time to adjust to the new environment.

Still looking for a job?

Tips and tricks to defeat “new job nerves”

Here you can find some useful tips to pump up and win your anxiety when starting a new job:

  • Be confident. As it is often said, confidence is key. Bear in mind you were hired because of your skills and personality. They chose you and want you there. It’s a very positive thought. 
  • Dress properly (or just dress up a bit). Yes, you are the newbie and people might observe you. However, I suggest to dress up for yourself, because it will help you feel more confident and happy in your favorite office clothes. And you’ll meet new people for the first time, so it’s better to make a great first impression. 
  • Remember you are new – and not supposed to know everything, you’re human. You feel like you should know every detail of your tasks and policies, but it’s not correct. I get you, honestly, but it’s nearly impossible you won’t have to learn something new. So step back and don’t panic, it’s appreciated to ask questions during the first days.
  • Don’t expect the worst. “What if they hate me?” “What if I can’t do the job?” “What if it will be a tragedy?”. Guys, no drama. This mindset is terrible, make an effort and change it into something positive. Expect to be good. It’s a very powerful thought that calms new job nerves.
  • Get to know your coworkers. Soon the unfamiliar will become familiar and you’ll feel comfortable around them. You’ll also be able to ask for support (or some kind of mentoring).

We’ve all been there. Just remember to stay true to yourself and don’t let rumors or preconceptions affect you, create your own opinion on the workplace, tasks and people. Focus on the bright side of this new adventure and you’ll forget the new job nerves. Starting a new career can be challenging, but totally worth it if you find the one that suits you.

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